
Dominate & Lusha


Dominate is a new-gen, A.I driven sales team management software that takes CRMs to another level. Dominate is B2b-focused, salespeople-centric and built for startups from ground up. It enriches each stage of the sales funnel right from prospecting to tracking to closing deals.

Lusha is a tool that enables marketers to build email lists based on search criteria, provides data enrichment and contact information verification, email validation to imrpoove the quality of a reachout.

Track Leadscomparison checkcomparison check
Sending Proposalscomparison checkcomparison check
Sendings Estimatescomparison checkcomparison check
Revenue Forecastcomparison checkcomparison check
Lead Scoringcomparison checkcomparison check
Lead Enrichmentcomparison checkcomparison check
Automated Workflowscomparison checkcomparison check
Mobile firstcomparison checkcomparison check


Lusha is primarily a data scraping plugin that helps salespeople with prospecting.

Dominate is a more wholesome product which empowers salespeople at all stages and not just prospecting.

Lusha doesn't have any of the features of a CRM and directly integrates into salesforce.

Dominate provides CRM, target tracking, ability to send designed proposals along with all the features that lusha has.



Dominate Vs Lusha
Track Leadscomparison checkcomparison check
Sending Proposalscomparison checkcomparison check
Sendings Estimatescomparison checkcomparison check
Revenue Forecastcomparison checkcomparison check
Lead Scoringcomparison checkcomparison check
Lead Enrichmentcomparison checkcomparison check
Automated Workflowscomparison checkcomparison check
Mobile firstcomparison checkcomparison check

Dominate is a new-gen, A.I driven sales team management software that takes CRMs to another level. Dominate is B2b-focused, salespeople-centric and built for startups from ground up. It enriches each stage of the sales funnel right from prospecting to tracking to closing deals.

Lusha is a tool that enables marketers to build email lists based on search criteria, provides data enrichment and contact information verification, email validation to imrpoove the quality of a reachout.


mobile conclusion
Lusha is primarily a data scraping plugin that helps salespeople with prospecting.
Dominate is a more wholesome product which empowers salespeople at all stages and not just prospecting.
Lusha doesn't have any of the features of a CRM and directly integrates into salesforce.
Dominate provides CRM, target tracking, ability to send designed proposals along with all the features that lusha has.